
Bitcoin Halving. #Bitcoin #Halving2024 ✅What is Bitcoin Halving and how does it affect the crypto market and the entire crypto space?

🍷There are 21 million Bitcoins, but they are not all “issued” at once. Each Bitcoin is “issued” by mining. New Bitcoins are generated through mining. Transactions are also carried out on the Bitcoin blockchain thanks to mining (if you wish to learn more about mining, please comment and we will create a special post about mining). Thus, all the 21 million Bitcoins have not yet been mined. If we compare with the GCWine (GCW) tokens, 105,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 GCW tokens were “printed” simultaneously in one block, since GCWine does not have its own blockchain and operates through a smart contract on the BNB blockchain. Despite this, the amount of the GCW tokens, like that of BTC, is limited. The difference is, the GCWine token was mined all at once. After generating 210,000 blocks in approximately every 4 years, the mining reward (i.e. the proportional amount of Bitcoin) is halved. This causes the amount of new Bitcoins in circulation to steadily decrease until the amount of 21,000,000 is reached. 😎

✅The exact halving event, that halves the amount of Bitcoins generated, is called Halving and will happen in about 1 day.

More precisely, the block reward has been reduced from 6.25 Bitcoins to 3.125 Bitcoins per mined block. This means, miners will get less Bitcoins to sell, which in turn affects the market: where there is less supply and more demand, the price increases. This pattern is one of the primary reasons for Bull Run (when the prices of all the assets at the market increase at a very high rate). Halving is often followed by Bull Run because there are few Bitcoins to sell and the price can rise absurdly high, since Bitcoin is largely considered as “the mother” of all cryptocurrencies. Therefore, the price of Bitcoin in turn affects the prices of other cryptocurrencies by driving them up, and vice versa.🚀


Overall, the Bitcoin halving is a highly significant event that significantly affects the dynamics of the crypto market and often leads to significant price movements.❤🍷🚀

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