แแแแแแ แแแ, แแแแแแ แแแ European Blockchain Convention-แแก แแคแแชแแแแฃแ แแฃแแฃแ แแแแ แแแ แแแแแฅแแแงแแแแฃแ, EBC10-แแก แจแแแแฏแแแแแแ แแแแแแก https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIgyWGDnH2w แ แแแแแจแแช แแแ แแแแแ แฌแแแแก แแแแแแแแ *(1:10), แแแแ แแ แแแแแช แแแฎแแแ แฉแแแแ GCWine-แแก แฃแแจแแแแแแ แแกแ แกแขแแแแ. แแแ แแแแแแแแก แแฃแฎแแแ EBC-แแก แแฃแแแแก แฌแแแ แแแก แแ แแ แแแแแแแ แแแแฃแจแแแ แแแ แกแแแแแก. แแแแ แแแแแแแ.
European Blockchain Convention
Dear friends, We’d like to share with you the summary video of EBC10 published on the official YouTube channel of the European Blockchain Convention https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIgyWGDnH2w in which, although it’s a tenth of a second *(1:10), our beautiful GCWine stand is still visible. Many thanks to the EBC team members and the staff working on this video. Thank you very much.
#GCWine #Eblockchainconvention #realcoin #EBC10 #Firstrealcoin #Financialfreedom #cryptocurrency #winemaker #blockchain #fintech #DEFI #cryptocurrencymarket #GeorgiaCradleOfWine #GCW #FirstGeorgianICO #gcwinegcw #crypto #GCWineWine #gcwinegcwtoken #georgiacradleofwine #GCWineOnlineWineShop #WineCoin #BlockchainWine #CoinWine #CryptoWine #แแ แแแขแแฆแแแแ