The price of the GCWine (GCW) token price has fallen.

Like that of all other crypto assets, the price of the GCWine (GCW) token has also fallen sharply in the last few days. This is a completely normal occurrence in the crypto space. Sometimes the prices fall and sometimes they rise. It is a live market, very volatile and subject to strong fluctuations. 😵‍💫

But there is still a problem with GCWine. The problem is a small liquidity in respect of market capitalization. Since the GCWine (GCW) token is not yet sold well enough, we could not bring in that much liquidity for trading and the GCWine token is not yet traded on a large scale. Any activity of buying or selling the GCW token greatly influences its price. As can be seen in the picture, the total trade volume during the last 24 hours was only USD116 which resulted in the drop of price at almost 17%. That is unfortunate. 😞

🫵We would like to encourage all the GCWine token holders not to sell their tokens in order to ensure the stability of the price and drive it back high up. GCWine is a long-term project that needs more time to build its business model, sell wine to get the project running and use the GCWine token and other cryptocurrencies as a means of payment so that we bilize the GCWine token’s price can be stabilized. We had 80% of the total supply of the GCWine tokens for sale. Currently not even 1% is sold and almost 79% is still to be sold to finance our project. 🍇🍷🫶

As soon as more tokens are sold, the liquidity on the market will increase. This way, there will also be enough power to stabilize not only the price of the GCWine token but also those of other cryptocurrencies. This is what we mean when we say we would like the GCWine token to be accepted as a means of payment in our stores worldwide. The GCW token leaves a very little room for price manipulation because it is intended to be put for real use, namely, for purchasing wine and other food and beverages.❤🍷🚀

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